natural growth rate中文什么意思

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  1. In 2000 the natural growth rate of the qinghai population was
  2. “ a shrinking 25 - 44 age group therefore lowers natural growth rates of demand
    “因此, 25至44岁年龄组的不断缩小,降低了需求的自然增长率。 ”
  3. Although the natural growth rate is low these years , at the next birth flood tide , it will show higher
  4. As economic development and population control promote each other , these areas have seen a transition , in a relatively short period of time , to the modern population reproduction pattern characterized by a low birth rate , low death rate and low natural growth rate
  5. Although in recent years , china ' s population structure has changed into " three lows " complexion of low birth rate , low natural growth rate and low mortality rate thanks to china ' s unremitting efforts to carry out the family planning policy , a high growth is concomitant with the low birth rate


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